Wednesday, December 1, 2010

rotating block....

Okay so I teach Spanish 1, Spanish 1/A, and Spanish 1B all on a rotating block schedule where the periods are entitled 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B.  My chapters are divided into chapter 1A and chapter 1B and so on. 

That is a LOT of number/letter combinations that my little brain cannot contain.  so to make myself a cheat chart of the schedule, I took pictures of my classes as a whole and let them pick a random, silly name to name that class.  Some examples of the silly names that they picked were "purple penguins", "fish tacos", "renesmee"...yeah, they were weird.  But it helped my confuzzled brain!!!

Here is one of my classes congregating around the 'round table' for a picture.  Aren't they adorable?!?  I am a blessed teacher...most of the time!  :)

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I am a relatively nice wife, mother, teacher, and friend. I am very sporadic in most areas of my life, but I try to be consistently kind to people. I like every type of person, every race, background, religion, ethnicity. I don't care what you believe, whether we agree on everything or not, or how different we are. The only thing that will keep me away from you is if you are rude.