Thursday, September 30, 2010

treinta de septiembre

I am so thankful to be done with a month and almost to Friday!  This week I went with the 8th grade team and the entire 8th grade to the 4H Center in Ferndale for a two day leadership development camp.  We did the zip line, canoed, fished, hiked, archery, and several team-building a life skill-teaching activities. On Tuesday night, we had a dance, and yours truly was the DJ.  It was hilarious.  They were so cute to watch as they tried to figure out who to dance with.  Miraculously, we had no inappropriate dancing.  I wore a 1980's red prom dress over jeans and a t-shirt, accessorized with multi-colored beads and earrings and bangles.  Some of the kids were so cute, because they couldn't tell if I was joking or serious with my costume.  Some girls seriously said, "Mrs. Rogers, you look so nice."  After I said, "Sweetheart, I am just being goofy," their reply was "O thank goodness."  It was a great trip because I had the opportunity to bond with students and see them bond with each other.  

While I was gone, my classes were obviously very good for the substitute, because she did not leave me any notes, only the absence report.  The kids didn't finish all of their work, though, so maybe she/he was just a push-over. :): Who can ever know for sure!

Well, I am off to CHOM practice (cheer and pom).  I gave my six months notice today that I will NEVER do cheer or pom again.  Surely they can find someone in six months time.  I thanked the athletic director and my principle for the opportunity to realize that my calling in life is NOT to be a CHOM sponsor.  :)

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I am a relatively nice wife, mother, teacher, and friend. I am very sporadic in most areas of my life, but I try to be consistently kind to people. I like every type of person, every race, background, religion, ethnicity. I don't care what you believe, whether we agree on everything or not, or how different we are. The only thing that will keep me away from you is if you are rude.